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September 8 – Independent Restaurants: "The 'Skinny' Bill in the Senate Does Not Do Nearly Enough to Help Hard-hit Independent Restaurants"

capitol hill

 September 8, 2020

 Jeff Solnet

Independent Restaurants: "The 'Skinny' Bill in the Senate Does Not Do Nearly Enough to Help Hard-hit Independent Restaurants"

 Proposed "Skinny" COVID-19 Bill Comes Shortly After August Jobs Report Shows Restaurants Remain Industry Hardest Hit By Pandemic

 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the Independent Restaurant Coalition (IRC), released the following statement regarding the Senate's recently-proposed "skinny" stimulus package, which contains no direct aid to the nation's 500,000 independent restaurants and bars:

 “The 'skinny' bill in the Senate does not do nearly enough to help hard-hit independent restaurants. 1 in 4 Americans who lost their jobs during this pandemic are restaurant employees, and the industry as a whole is America’s second-largest private-sector employer. We need direct relief in order to survive, which is why over 220 Republicans and Democrats in Congress have come together to sponsor the RESTAURANTS Act. Every day that Congress waits to pass a relief plan that works for our industry, more and more restaurants are forced to shut their doors permanently - putting 11 million employees and hundreds of thousands of small businesses, including farmers, ranchers, winemakers, linen companies, and more, in jeopardy. We cannot wait any longer.”

 Independent restaurants and bars have been fighting for the inclusion of the RESTAURANTS Act in this round of federal relief. The bill would establish a $120 billion fund for small restaurants and bars to cover costs such as payroll, rent, supplies, and PPE. Originally introduced in June by Sens. Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), alongside Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR 3) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA 1), the RESTAURANTS Act now has 190 cosponsors in the House and 27 cosponsors in the Senate.


 The Independent Restaurant Coalition was formed by chefs and independent restaurant owners across the country who have built a grassroots movement to secure vital protections for the nation’s 500,000 independent restaurants and the more than 11 million restaurant workers impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The Coalition’s leadership team includes Tyler Akin, José Andrés, Kevin Boehm, Sean Brock, Katie Button, Andrew Carmellini, Ashley Christensen, Jeanie Chunn, Amanda Cohen, Tom Colicchio, Nina Compton, Rosa Garcia, Suzanne Goin, Gregory Gourdet, Will Guidara, Mason Hereford, Sam Kass, Max Katzenberg, Mike Lata, Camilla Marcus, Ivy Mix, Kwame Onwuachi, Patrick Phelan, Erika Polmar, Naomi Pomeroy, Niki Russ Federman, Steven Satterfield, Michael Shemtov, Nancy Silverton, Frank Stitt, Bobby Stuckey, Robert St. John, Caroline Styne, Jill Tyler, and Andrew Zimmern.

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